Please check the FAQ first before submitting inquiries.
For deadlines and other details, please visit this page.
* Denotes required fields
If so, please indicate whether this program is your first, second, or third choice:
If so, describe the other source(s) and how much you expect from the other source(s) if selected, and when you expect to hear result(s).
Start typing and select the official name of your university.
If you do not know exact dates, please enter estimated dates.
If A+ is 4.33, input 4.0 in this field
If your mother tongue is English please skip this section.
Include academic background, work experiences, thesis or research topic, extracurricular activities, publications & reports, special skills, awards & prizes, and other pertinent information.Leadership and initiative will be evaluated based on your CV.
Describe what you would like to accomplish in the summer program. Approx. 500 words.
Provide any other pertinent information you wish to give us concerning your application.
250 words or less.
Please be sure to first submit your reference information using this preliminary form as soon as possible with the name and email address of your reference(s)
I pledge all the statements I have made are accurate to the best of my knowledge and supporting documents are genuine. If I have made any false statement or any document is deemed to be false, I am obliged to return all of the FUTI Award.
I will submit a written report to FUTI within one month after the completion of my study or research supported by the FUTI Award.
Please check over material for accuracy before submitting. After clicking the submit button, please be patient and do not click the back button or close the browser until the confirmation page appears. Thank you.